Saturday, 20 December 2014


Google is soon going to make some new add-on and modifications in its Homepage. Now, users will be able to perform operations other than normal searches! This new featured homepage has been named as ‘Google Now’. Read more to know how it is different from the current Google homepage.

What is Google Now

Google Now is a smartly designed homepage that will collect the history and data of an individual user, and provide them search results based on their own priorities and interests. For instance, if you are a sports lover and usually come to Google for searching/reading on Cricket or any other sports, the ‘Google Now’ will now provide you more targeted search results for the stuff you search. It will provide you the latest scores of your favorite sports automatically. Also, this new homepage from Google will work as a news reader for you and will let you know all of the top and latest news about your search term and the most searched topics (by you) on homepage itself.

Google's logo

Not just that, ‘Google Now’ works as a fully packed GPS that tracks you place and location and lets you know about the temperature, latest/recent news ‘from your place’, the condition of traffic and shortcut ways/paths to dodge the traffic as well. You will be able to manually set your location, your office/home/current locations on Google Now, to make the best use of this featured all-in-one homepage.

Google Now is yet to come

The recent news from the Google’s ‘Google System’ says that their team is currently working on this smart homepage. Once, all the testing and examining of the new homepage will be done, Google will completely introduce its Google Now screen to the WWW. Google states, that the users will be able to use this feature on their Smartphone too.

While other search engines are doing their best to win the race, Google Now from is another example from Google that simply says, Google was, is and will be the winner always. Let’s see, how longer we need to wait before we start making use of Google Now and the smart features that it provides.

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